Friday, 19 November 2010

Architect's tree

Something fun for weekend
My question is :
Who is talking reasonable ?
Enjoy your weekend !


How's this for drawing?

Hey Guys, I was just at an event at London, mantownhuman winter school, the three classicists were there doing a massive drawing over the course of the day, and then they just painted over it!! here is a picture of it being drawn.. This is the original one they did for the RIBA, they did a similar thing where I was.
(edited by L.P 19/11/2010)

Thursday, 18 November 2010


I feel this website would be great for gathering ideas on how to produce the up and coming master plan... I came across CPHX whilst researching for my dissertation, have a look there is tons of interesting stuff. Oh, shock it's in Copenhagen ;)

BBC News - Bradford "derelict spaces"

Saw this, thought it might be of interest.
It's about what to do in this financial climate with derelict spaces... green spaces, football pitches etc... (Bradford)

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Esquisse 3

Our Esquisse and a brief description of our key ideas

Group 3 Esquisse - 17.11.10

Group 3's attempt at a masterplan idea from today's task. Main focuses were on:

  • Topography

  • Transport

  • Walkability

  • Linking Grids

  • Orientation

On to the next one...

Monday, 15 November 2010

6th-ies Welcome!

Aright guys,

Tomorrow is day 1 of Esquisse's with our goal to settle on a conceptual masterplan, (with key areas developed in more detail) to present one week on thursday.

We 5th years are splitting up into 3 groups and getting started on the development of our scheme.

6th years please feel free to come in and put your opinions forward if you have a spare minute, after all this is your project too.

Enjoy your evening


NY times article : Reinventing America's cities - the time is now

Here's an interesting article REINVENTING AMERICA'S CITIES (published March 25,2009) about reinventing American cities and it compares cities around the world and all the issues involved - as we have discussed before. Quite a long article but it might help with making our narrative more realistic if we can relate back to real-life issues.

Ordinary Architecture : Parking Structure

In line with the theme, this is a new built parking structure integrated with mixed uses and is set in a new urban development zone which is slightly similar to proposed site in Glasgow. Attached is the link for anyone who's interested in solving issues of parking and how to adapt to noise via facade treatment, etc

Clyde and its Tributaries

Heres a little research on the tributaries that join the Clyde on our site! It may influence the way in which we deal with water!

Peter Magyar

(edited by L.P 15/11/2010)

a video on 'spaceprints' by Dr Peter Magyar

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Calculate your Carbon Footprint

Calculate your annual carbon consumption to get an idea of how little one tonne per year really is!

a fairly frustrating boundary for our site...

turns out RMJM have already masterplanned a considerable area of our site for the Commonwealth Games...

Do we incorporate it?

Opinions please

Relax with Music Page !!!

Dear All,
Please check out our new Music web page
Just click " Reference "page and look for "Music"

Send me any song you like for this page please or copy them into studio computer, I will collect them later

Many thanks

Have a good weekend

Le Phuong