Fun day

(I think I gonna draw Simon again )
(I am not sure this is Penny or not)
(Andy ! This is your face)
(I need to maintain the beauty)
(To Nik : "I'll maintain your beauty later ^^ !")
to be continued

Thursday, 25 November 2010

21st century settlement 1st draft (cont)

Idea of reform the grid (and an example of it )
and invert the sketch by black the ground to highlight the build form, trees with river reflection .
That make me think that square grid does not work well for this site

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Model showing a neighbourhood

It may have taken a while, but it was worth it.

London Futures

In response to the London Futures post... don't just accept it because someone's done some images... take a step back, think about the issues...

First Draft

This is the First draft I have done base on group Ideas about 21st century settlement
With some key elements about blocks , high street, tram system, waterfront ...

21st Century Streets

I came across this competition for the 21st Century Street while looking into the "feeling" of our new street typologies.

New Islington, Manchester

New Islington is an inner city regeneration area of Manchester, in North West England. Historically a part of Ancoats, it has now taken a separate identity to reflect its changed status as a regeneration area.

New Islington is the original name for the area; however, from the area's last attempted regeneration in the 1970s to its current redevelopment it was known as the Cardroom Estate. It was one of several millennium village projects around the UK seeking to regenerate inner city areas. The name New Islington appeared on the 1840 Ordnance Survey map and there also a street with that name; this was also the local residents' choice of name for the area.

The funding for the area was secured in 2002 and property developers Urban Splash have been at the forefront of developments including the Chips building.

The New Islington area is bounded by Great Ancoats Street (west), New Islington (north-east) Weybridge Road (east) and Pollard Street (south). The area is also due to receive a metrolink stop as part of the general expansion of the tram system. It will be the first stop on the Piccadilly - Droylsden (subsequently after Phase 3B Ashton) line and will be situated adjacent to Pollard Street

Sunday, 21 November 2010

will this be our future?

The climate refugee crisis reaches epic proportions. The vast shanty town that stretches across London’s centre leaves historic buildings marooned, including Buckingham Palace.

What impact will climate change have?

Climate change is central to London’s future. It will affect every aspect of the city, from buildings and public spaces to the way Londoners live and work.A display of 14 arresting images will be on display at the Museum of London from 1 October 2010 to 6 March 2011. Like ‘Postcards From The Future’, familiar views of the capital have been digitally transformed by illustrators Robert Graves and Didier Madoc-Jones.

The display brings home the full impact of global warming, food scarcity, rising sea levels and how all Londoners will need to innovate and adapt to survive. Examples of the striking images that will be on show include Parliament Square put to work as a rice paddy, ice skating down the Thames, Buckingham Palace surrounded by a sea of shanty housing and the Gherkin occupied by thousands of eco-refugees highlight the shocking realities we could face.